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“Literacy is not a luxury, it is a right and a responsibility.”

-William J. Clinton- 

At Barnsley Academy, we believe that excellent communication is an important part of each student's learning journey. During their time with us, we want to expose them to a variety of voices and perspectives and support them to develop their own voice as they communicate with the world. Our whole school literacy policy covers these skills of reading, writing and oracy which are implemented throughout the curriculum by all teachers.

A key focus for us is providing quality reading opportunities and promoting reading for pleasure. We know that this will improve academic success but there are also many well established links between literacy education and health, wealth and well-being too. As such, we have implemented Form Time Reading so that all students experience fluently read, quality texts each day. 

Barnsley Academy is fully committed to ensuring every student develops the literacy skills they need to thrive in life after school.  

The Library 

Barnsley Academy’s library is open daily to all students at break time, at lunch time and after school every Monday to Friday. Pupils can take out, return, and renew books by visiting the library at these times. 

Sparx Reader: 

Students in year 7 and 8 are set weekly reading homework on Sparx Reader. This is designed to ensure students access a range of reading texts in their own time as well as continuously developing their reading skills. Students have to read for at least 30 minutes each week on the website: 


All students are able to borrow eBooks and Audiobooks from the eBook and audiobook library, found here: This contains over a 1000 books and audiobooks for students to access for free at home from either a computer, tablet or smartphone (there is also an ePlatform app available in app stores).  


If students need further support with their reading skills during their termly NGRT test, they will be placed into one of the following interventions.  

Lexonik Leap:  Lexonik Leap is a small group intervention that supports students with the essential areas of literacy needed in all subjects, at every level! They will complete 3 x 20 minute sessions a week for up to 10 weeks.  

Lexonik Advance: Lexonik Advance is a small group intervention that helps further develop students’ understanding of vocabulary. It is a 6 week programme of 1 x 1 hour session a week. 

Character Reading Programme: 

The Read Aloud Programme is delivered to students in Year 7 to 10 to promote reading for pleasure and to support Barnsley Academy in becoming a reading rich school. Within this, there is a focus on the development of student's wider understanding of the world around them by exploring Non-Fiction texts. The programme promotes fluency, development of vocabulary and comprehension with form tutors leading these sessions and modelling excellent reading.