Computing, ICT and Business

"Computer technology is so built into our lives that it's part of the surround of every artist"

- Steven Levy - 

Curriculum Vision

Our vision is for students to engage with our subjects within a climate of positivity and challenge. We want to promote independent learning and students to take responsibility for home learning, development of skills and retention of knowledge.

The Computing, ICT and Business curriculum offers a range of courses so that all students can achieve their targets. We deliver GCSEs in Computer Science and Business, as well as the Cambridge Nationals in Enterprise and Marketing and Creative iMedia; giving our students an array of options to study at KS4.

A large part of the Computer Science curriculum is based on the ability to abstract and decompose a problem to produce a solution through investigation. Students have opportunities throughout KS3 to produce robust, considered solutions to problems posed in class and develop problem solving and analysis skills. Alongside this, it is important students develop an understanding of how the hardware within a computer functions and understanding the science behind it.

Examples of apprenticeships that relate to computing

The BITE Team

The IT Department at Barnsley Academy is made up of enthusiastic teachers who are passionate about their subject. Students are encouraged to ask teachers about their degree subjects in order to promote careers in Computing.

  • Mrs Julie Broomhead - Head of Business & ICT
  • Mr Ghulam Rasoon - Teacher of BITE
  • Mr James Homan - Teacher of BITE/History
  • Mr Nathan Parkinson - Teacher of BITE/PE
  • Mrs Rachel Wimlett - Teacher of BITE/PE
  • Mrs Rebecca Pawson - Teacher of BITE/Cover
  • Mr Luke McShane - Teacher of BITE/Cover

More Information

For more information on our curriculum, please contact:

Mrs Julie Broomhead
Head of Business & ICT