Creative Arts

“Drawing teaches habits of close observation that will always be useful” 

- Susanna Clarke –


Curriculum Vision

Our curriculum vision at Barnsley Academy's Art and Design Department is to develop all students into curious artist designers who are critical thinkers and confident communicators through various visual, written, and linguistic forms. We provide a wealth of art making experiences that allow students to learn about different times, cultures, and perspectives, while exploring the meaning of humanity and life through art.

All Students

We have high expectations for all our pupils and believe that every student, regardless of prior attainment or skill, has the right to experience the full spectrum of art history across global cultures. Through careful sequencing of the curriculum and high-quality teaching and learning, we ensure that every student can make progress in art. We foster confidence by helping students articulate how art and design reflect and shape our history, contributing to our world's culture and creativity.

Reasoned judgements and analysis of image and language

Our curricular approach enables students to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of Art and Design. Through the development of strong reasoning and analytical skills, we want our students to appreciate the beauty, creativity and communicative power of the visual arts.

Development of a wide range of proficient artistic skills

Our Art and Design curriculum engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the applied knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and refine their own works of art, craft and design. Art, Design and Photography empowers our students to work in future fields as diverse as architecture, interior design and fine art.

University and Careers

We strongly encourage our students to pursue their art and design studies at colleges and universities once leaving Barnsley Academy. Whether you are interested in fine art degrees, graphic design, fashion, or photography, these fields offer a wealth of opportunities for personal and professional growth. Graduates can look forward to exciting careers as artists, graphic designers, fashion designers, photographers, art directors, and many other creative roles. 

By continuing your education in these disciplines, you are investing in a future where you can turn your passion into a rewarding career.

The Creative Arts Team

  • Miss Maisie Bamford - Head of Creative Arts
  • Ms Kirsty Kilbane - Teacher of Creative Arts and Head of Character
  • Mrs Lynn Ellis - Teacher of Creative Arts and Food Technology
  • Ms Georgina Hargreaves - Teacher of Creative Arts

More Information

For more information on our curriculum please contact:

Miss Maisie Bamford
Head of Creative Arts