Times of the Academy Day

School Times

September - 2023

Our expectation is that all students are in school for 8:20 am ready for their learning.

The student entrance in the KS3 yard (front of school) will be where uniform and equipment is checked before entering school.

Mobile phones will be visibly switched off at this point and placed in school bags as per the school policy.

Students arrive in school 8:00 am 8:20 am
Form Time 8:20 am 8:50 am
Period 1 8:50 am 10:05 am
Break Time 10:05 am 10:25 am
Period 2 10:25 am 11:40 am
Period 3 11:40 am 12:55 pm
Lunch 12:55 pm 13:35 pm
Period 4 13:35 pm 14:50 pm
Period 5 & Extra Curricular 14:50 pm 15:40 pm















Arrival at school Punctuality is an important life skill and we will do all we can to teach all students the importance of arriving on time and being prepared.

  • Students are expected to arrive at the Academy at 08.20 am at the latest. This is when the whistle is blown giving all students 5 minutes to get to their form rooms and prepare for form time.
  • We provide a free breakfast for all our students starting at 7.50 am until 08.15 am to encourage them to arrive ‘earlier’ and spend time settling themselves and preparing themselves for the school day.

Corrections (Detentions)

24 hours’ notice of a correction is no longer required. ‘Schools don’t have to give parents notice of after school detentions or tell them why a detention has been given’ (https://www.gov.uk/academydisciplineexclusions) However as an Academy, we will inform parents via Arbor of Corrections set after school. The purpose of Corrections is to improve behaviours and act as a deterrent for future misbehaviour.

Parental permission is also not required provided that staff have considered:

  • The welfare of the child.
  • Whether the child has caring responsibilities,
  • Whether parents should be informed of the correction, any travel arrangements.

Inconvenience to the parents does not matter if the child has a means to get home safely. The Academy sets corrections for certain misconducts or poor behaviour choices. 

Regular School Attendance

Regular school attendance

Regular school attendance is an important part of giving children the best possible start in life. The aim should be to attend 100% of the time. Students who miss school frequently can fall behind with their work and do less well in exams. Good attendance also shows potential employers that a young person is reliable. 

It is vital we work to teach our students the value of attending the Academy at 8.20am each day. We do understand that on some occasions children may be ill and unable to attend the Academy. 

Please make sure you call us on 01226 284606 or via Arbor to report the absence and follow this up with a note or letter explaining the reason for absence.